What does ‘comfort zone’ mean?

What does ‘comfort zone’ mean?

‘Comfort zone’ means that things are familiar and you feel at ease and in control of your environment and activities. Inside your comfort zone you experience low levels of stress and anxiety. Routine and familiarity prevail and there’s a sense of security.

While the comfort zone provides a sense of stability, personal growth and development often occur outside of it. Stepping outside one’s comfort zone involves taking risks, facing challenges, and exposing oneself to new experiences. This can lead to increased learning, resilience, and adaptability.

What takes you out of your comfort zone?

I can think of 3 experiences in my life-although there were more!

Competing in a bodybuilding competition.

I decided at the age of about 40 to take part in the Australasian Natural Bodybuilding Championships. I had to stand on stage in front of a large audience- in a rather skimpy costume and perform a routine to music! Oh boy. I was nervous every time- and I did it 6 times! Here is a photo to prove it!

Starting my business and doing business networking. I think starting the business was easy compared to going to networking meetings. I had to stand in front of several other business owners each week and deliver my ‘elevator pitch’. My hands would shake so much when I sat down that I could not pick up my knife and fork to eat my breakfast!

Taking part in the Mazda MX5 drives-recently.

I am not a confident driver-never have been. I look for a parking space that is twice the size of my car and I never reverse park! I hate following people and, even more, I hate them following me! I also drive rather sedately.

However, joining the Mazda MX5 club has changed a few things: we often reverse park so that we can photograph the cars all in a row; we often drive in convoy and we have to keep up with each other.

Thanks to the MX5 club I am becoming a more confident driver-not sure if I am a safer one?

Has this all made me a better person?-sure.

I am so proud of my accomplishments and have so much more self esteem. I have no issues standing in front of an audience-in fact, I positively enjoy it. I have built a successful business and that can be attributed largely to the networking that I do.

Time will tell if I have become a better driver!

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